Blog / chakra cleanse

7 Chakra Pyramid Benefits

7 Chakra Pyramid Benefits

The unique shape of the pyramid creates a focused energy field that enhances meditation, manifestation, and healing practices. The 7 chakra pyramid acts as a catalyst for this process, amplifying the energy of each chakra and facilitating their alignment.
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The 7 Chakras and Their Meanings

The 7 Chakras and Their Meanings

The ancient wisdom of the 7 chakras provides us with profound insights into the intricate energy system of the human body. In this blog post, we will take a detailed look at each chakra, uncovering their unique meanings and the transformative power they hold.
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Sacral Chakra Awakening Symptoms

Sacral Chakra Awakening Symptoms

Consider your chakras a blueprint for your journey to greater self-awareness. As you learn about each energy center and what it governs, you will also learn how to acknowledge when you are feeling a bit off.
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Physical Symptoms Of Root Chakra Opening

Physical Symptoms Of Root Chakra Opening

As the first chakra, your root is your stability, strength and foundation. Your self-awareness and ability to take accountability for your life, choices and actions heavily relies on having a balanced root chakra. 
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How To Clear Root Chakra Blockage

How To Clear Root Chakra Blockage

What have you done for your root chakra lately? If you have been feeling sluggish, insecure, worried about making ends meet or unstable in life, you may need to bring your attention to the first chakra.
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Awaken and Balance Your Third Eye

Awaken and Balance Your Third Eye

How do I open my third eye? We get this question a lot, especially from those of you who are just starting your spiritual journey. Christine and I (Lauren) both when through our own journeys of realizing our intuitive power and we use that gift daily to help others and ourselves through life’s decisions. Even if you have been practicing for a while, know that your intuition can expand and deepen, so it’s always good to spend some time nurturing this energy center.

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Chakra Cleanse Meditation

Chakra Cleanse Meditation

This week, we're sharing a meditation ritual for bringing your full chakra system back into balance. There are many behaviors, emotions and even manifested situations that can indicate one or more of your seven main energy centers may need some fine tuning.

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