Have you ever wondered why we make a wish before blowing out our birthday candles? Well what many have forgotten or possibly not known, is that Candle Magic is one of the oldest and most powerful forms of manifestation work. Similar to lighting a candle for a loved one during prayer. Whether you require healing, or there is a goal you desire to achieve you can set your intentions with a candle to manifest results powerfully.
Step 1: Select your candle
Color does matter, however if you are not fully educated on the symbolism of the different colors and their metaphysical meaning always choose a white candle. White represents the combination of all colors as well as new beginnings, purification and healing. I prefer a tall jar candle when doing spiritual work however a votive candle works just as well. To use a fragrance or not is your personal preference however accompanied incense or aroma therapy oil may add to the energetic power of your manifestation. For example if you are setting a love intention you may want to consider using rose incense or oil.
Step 2: Cleanse your candle
As all objects have the ability to take on the energy of their surroundings, it is best to cleanse your candle of all energy it may have picked up prior to making its way into your possession. You may cleanse your candle by smudging it with sage, sweet grass, copal, or even leaving it to sit under the cleansing energy of the full moon.
Step 3: Be clear of your intention
It is important to be clear of what you are wanting to manifest and being in a balanced state of mind and spirit while giving birth to an intention is key. If you are hoping to manifest a new career for example, be clear about what that job is, how it makes you feel, your purpose, your ideal hours, your ideal pay, the work environment and kind of people you wish to work with and so on. Realistic time frames are also helpful in manifesting your intentions. For example being clear that the job you are manifesting is within a 6 month time frame lets the universe know that you are open to divine timing however 6 years from now is not realistic for you.
Step 4: Program your candle
There are a few ways you may program your candle. If you have a Jar candle you can use a sharpie pen to draw symbols or write words of affirmation that symbolize what you wish to bring to life. If you have a votive candle you can carve the symbols or words into the actual candle itself. Accompany that by speaking into the candle flame your intention while imagining the healing or goal as being present in your life now. If you are like me you may also want to write this out on paper and leave it under or near the candle as it is burning as added energy. Remember that your words both spoken and written are your magic wand. Always remember to thank the universe for your manifestation as if it is yours now. A word of caution is to be sure that you are not setting your intentions when you are in a place of desperation or fear because if that is your current emotion that is what you will breathe life to through your candle Magic.
Step 5: Surrender and let it go
You've visualized it, you've felt it, you've spoken it, you've written it, and you've given thanks. Now it's time to release the attachment and trust in your ability and the universe to deliver what you have requested in a way that is in your highest good. Expect that whatever the result may be is truly what is best for you and your path. In some cases a removal of what you thought you wanted is a possible result if it does not serve the vibration of your highest path, however something better than what you had in mind will come in its place. Have fun magicians!
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