The affirmations in this video can help you focus on uplifting yourself and finding positives even if you have just experienced something negative.
Affirmations for Resilience
I feel much better today.
My mood improves over time.
I am patient with my healing process.
I let go of the pain and resentment.
I am strong enough to handle the difficulties that arise.
I am capable of overcoming challenges.
The experiences that I face make me a better person.
I bounced back from adversity.
I allow for things to work out for me.
I know I have what it takes to push through.
I see beyond what's happening now.
I have an amazing group of wonderful supporters.
I love how resilient I am.
I am proud of how I have grown.
I feel encouraged to keep going.
I know I am on a spiritual journey.
I lean into what's happening instead of resisting.
I allow for things to come into focus.
I know that there's a deeper reason behind everything.
All that has occurred has served me.
I am wiser and stronger for it.
I reflect on what has happened and forgive.
I create space in my heart to love.
I do not hold on to grudges.
I allow my anger to melt away.
I am no longer attached to the outcome.
I allow myself to feel free.
I celebrate how far I have come.
I flip my hardship into motivation.
I allow the healing to begin.