How I Stay Zen AF

How I Stay Zen AF


How I Stay Zen A.F. In this deeply turbulent time in American History, it can be very easy to lose yourself. As a black woman in this society, I have few emotions left for what’s going on. I am tired. I’m tired of being constantly expected to build the bridge and meet others where they’re at. I’m done trying to convince people of my worth. I’m done having any sympathy for those who don’t realize that their actions have consequences (I’m talking about the 53% and the relatives of them who did nothing). However, removing all of those stressors still leaves a lot going around that can still negatively impact my energy. I’ve started a very zen journey around 6 months ago and now I’ve kicked it into overdrive. Here’s how I stay zen and protect my energy these days.

Media Free Zen A.F. Mornings

One of the most important things I have started is media free mornings. Like everyone else in the world, I use my phone for an alarm and it’s in my bed. I had a nasty habit of checking social media as soon as I turned my alarm off. During the election cycle, I was constantly inundated with negative shit. Angry posts and think pieces about other people’s crap instantly setting my mood to pissed before I got out of bed. Quiet, peaceful mornings are sacred and essential now.  I get reacquainted with my mind, let her wake up in her own way, and gather my own thoughts. These moments are crucial for setting my boundaries and my energy so that when the world hits me I’m stable enough to take it on.

Herbal Teas over Coffee 

I’ll be honest, I thought tea was stupid. Like what’s the point? Coffee gives you more caffeine. I was wrong. And it tastes way better than black coffee. I’m averaging like 2 cups a day, one during my Zen A.F. mornings, and one when I need a Zen A.F. recharge at work. There is something about a hot beverage that just centers me in the moment that I’m in. I haven’t gotten deep into the benefits of particular herbal teas, but I’m working on it. Right now I just go by what feels right. My favorites always involve ginger.

Noise Cancelling Headphones

I manifested the existence of these headphones after my dad made me try his. I have the Bose QuietComfort 35 headphones and they are a blessing for several reasons. I never realized how loud the ambient noise of a lab is and at work, these headphones get me in a zone and filter out the bullshit that would usually stress me out. My headphones, a cup of tea, and something from Spotify can usually clear my environment. I also use these to meditate at home (see below). Living with others limits the control I have over the noise in my environment. Sometimes I just want silence, especially when meditating, and I get that through my headphones.

Meditation and Journaling

Meditation is intimidating for my fidgety ass but in my zen journey, I’ve discovered the power of focusing on yourself and the connection between you and yourself. Meditation centers me and when done in the evening, helps to release the stress from the day. Sometimes the meditation is coupled with journaling, freeform or prompted. Pictured is one of my entries from the Truth Intuitions Truth eJournal. I have found that journaling (in or out of a meditative state) helps me discover who I really am. Journaling and meditating in the evening usually makes my media free Zen A.F. mornings more fruitful.

These are just a few of my current zen methods and I’m not done exploring. My next purchase is an oil diffuser and some basic essential oils to start my collection. How do you stay Zen As Fuck?

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