stop complaining, start creating

Our monthly Manifestation Circle will provide you with:

Confidence and clarity about your manifestation goals

A powerful community of co-creators invested in your success

A safe space to be vulnerable and authentic

Valuable coaching from supportive group members

Homework delivered digitally to enhance your manifestation ritual

Start your membership today for access to 12 consecutive Virtual Manifestation Circle calls. You’ll connect with others to learn the power of co-creation, share your goals with our encouraging circle of supporters and amplify your ability to manifest success.

How it works

We kick off the call with a grounding breathwork exercise to bring our energy together.

Next, each person is invited to share a goal with the group. We take a moment to visualize the success of the manifestation, share encouragement and any tips you may need.

After everyone has shared, we open the floor for any manifestation questions or stories.

Our goal is for you to feel inspired and supported by the end of each call. As a bonus, you’ll walk away with guidance from us and other group members to help you along your journey.