Blog / rituals

How to let go and allow the Universe to Guide You

In a world filled with uncertainties and constant change, it can be challenging to relinquish control and trust in the greater forces at play. However, learning to let go and allow the Universe to guide you can lead to profound personal growth, inner peace, and a sense of alignment with the flow of life.
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Understanding Energy Protection for Empaths

Being an empath is a gift, but it can also be challenging. Empaths possess a heightened sensitivity to the emotions and energies of others, often absorbing them like a sponge. While this allows empaths to deeply connect with people, it can leave them vulnerable to emotional overwhelm and energy drain.
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Using Aromatherapy for Spiritual Healing

Using Aromatherapy for Spiritual Healing

By incorporating the power of scents into your daily routines, rituals, and self-care practices, you can create an environment that supports your spiritual journey and promotes inner harmony.
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100 Gratitude Affirmations to Improve Your Mindset

100 Gratitude Affirmations to Improve Your Mindset

Gratitude is not a mere sentiment or a passing emotion; it is a profound state of being that has the power to shape our perceptions, attitudes, and experiences. It is a practice that invites us to shift our attention from what we lack to what we already possess, nurturing a profound sense of appreciation for the blessings that surround us.
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Embrace the Magic: Enhancing Your Spiritual Practice with Oracle Decks

Embrace the Magic: Enhancing Your Spiritual Practice with Oracle Decks

Oracle decks hold a profound place in the realm of spiritual practices, offering us a means to access our intuition, cultivate self-reflection, enhance manifestation, and nurture connection with higher realms. 
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Rituals For Letting Go Of Trauma

Rituals For Letting Go Of Trauma

Healing from trauma is a journey that requires gentle care and intentional practices. In this blog post, we will explore powerful rituals that can support the process of letting go and moving forward.
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Crystal Rituals for Soothing Anxiety

Crystal Rituals for Soothing Anxiety

Certain crystals are particularly beneficial for anxiety relief due to their calming and grounding properties. Popular choices include amethyst, rose quartz, black tourmaline, and clear quartz.
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Full Moon Ritual to Become Your Best Self

Full Moon Ritual to Become Your Best Self

Everyone’s journey is different. One thing that brings us together is the shared experience of wishing we could stop manifesting the same undesired circumstances.
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Crystals to Help Sleep

Crystals to Help Sleep

There are so many benefits to working with crystal energy on all levels of your wellness journey. When it comes to your sleeping habits, crystals can help you find deeper rest and relaxation, even assisting in healing insomnia.

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3 Simple Self-Love Rituals To Help You Feel Amazing

3 Simple Self-Love Rituals To Help You Feel Amazing

Are you ready to commit to living a life of gentleness towards yourself? It’s a very direct question, the answer to which can really say a lot about where you are in your self-love journey.
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Ways to Decompress & Recharge

Ways to Decompress & Recharge

We all need time to decompress and recharge our energy — it's the best way to keep your mind, body and soul healthy and cared for. So let's break down how you can do both: decompress to release energy and empty your cup; and recharge to fill yourself back up with the best energy possible.

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Chakra Cleanse Meditation

Chakra Cleanse Meditation

This week, we're sharing a meditation ritual for bringing your full chakra system back into balance. There are many behaviors, emotions and even manifested situations that can indicate one or more of your seven main energy centers may need some fine tuning.

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